Congrats to DV Berkom!

FATAL OBJECTIVE, a Leine Basso Thriller by DV Berkom, edited in  part by the Darling Axe

A huge congrats to our client DV Berkom on the release of her latest: Fatal Objective—a Leine Basso thriller!

A missing assassin. An unlikely betrayal. A secret cabal, sowing chaos.

Leine Basso's missing. She's not answering her calls. Or texts. Lou and Santa fear she's been compromised. According to her operational contact, she's fine, just busy. When she finally responds it doesn't sound like her.

The two men who know her best aren't buying it. Something isn't right. Leine Basso's missing. And Lou and Santa are going to find out why.

“Honestly out of all the Basso books, this one was hands down the best…” ~Alexandria, Goodreads Reviewer

DV has, once again, surpassed herself with this latest outing for Leine Basso.” ~Hazel Howorth, Reviewer at Reading Stuff'n'Things

Grab your copy of FATAL OBJECTIVE from Amazon or B&N.

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