The First Page Challenge 2023—results coming soon
Thanks to everyone who submitted. This year about 160 entries landed in our inbox. It's always a pleasure to read snippets from so many stories brimming with potential.
Here's what happens next:
- The contest screener, David Brown, will finish assessing and grading all the entries over the next couple days, after which he will send the shortlist to the contest judge, Michelle Barker.
- Michelle will read all the entries, then think about it for a few days, before finally reading them all a few more times. It's not easy picking the top three!
- David will email everyone who entered with the shortlist; once Michelle has made her decision, he will contact the winners to confirm and then email those on the shortlist with the decision.
- The winners will be announced on our blog by mid-month. Each winning entry will be posted to the blog and shared on social media. Winners will also be announced in our next newsletter (around Nov 1).
- Those who purchased feedback will receive a message from David by mid-month.
Thanks again, everyone!!