Flip Flop: The First Page Challenge is BACK!

The First Page Challenge: a writing contest for novelists


A few weeks ago we announced that we will be taking a break from writing contests. But then we decided that we love the First Page Challenge too much.

So here's an update to my last update: we will be snoozing the Clash of the Query Letters and the Synopsis Skirmish for the time being, but the First Page Challenge will continue.

Also—it's now live!

About the Darling Axe

Our editors are industry professionals and award-winning writers. We offer narrative development, editing, and coaching for every stage of your manuscript's journey to publication.

Work with a professional fiction editor from the Darling Axe: manuscript development and book editing services

Book a sample edit with a professional fiction editor from the Darling Axe: manuscript development and book editing services

Darling Axe Academy – Query Quest: a self-paced querying course

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