Success Story with Hadley Sorensen

Success Story with Hadley Sorensen--on the journey from writer to author, and about her new book THE DIRTY TRUTH ON SOCIAL DRINKING

First Steps

I always dreamed of publishing a book, but it wasn’t until my experience with eliminating alcohol that I finally knew exactly what story to tell. I felt deeply that my unique and modern spin on a subject as old as time would resonate with other women in similar situations. The problem was that I had no idea where to start, and I knew nothing about the publishing world. I began writing, poured my heart into my words, and shared my vulnerable experience. I convinced myself that I would figure out the rest in time. 

I dove in without an outline and had difficulty organizing my thoughts in a way that flowed. I knew that I was overly verbose and struggled to make my writing more concise. I sensed that if I kept going with what felt like magical writing momentum, I could go back, cull it down, and scrub it until it sparkled.

The Breakthrough

I finally researched the intricacies of the publishing process and learned how to query agents. I stumbled through creating a book proposal and prepared to be told no frequently. That preparation was indeed useful! After much rejection, disappointment, and testing of my fragile patience, I finally heard back from an agent who seemed to “get” what I was trying to do. I felt a connection and sensed that something positive would come from it. She ultimately connected me with an editor who helped bring my words to life and taught me much about refining my writing process. She taught me how to cut the unnecessary garbage (and there was a lot of it) so I could share the right words more meaningfully. She believed in my project and helped me mold it into a book that could make an impact.

That was the turning point that nudged me toward the publication finish line. I ultimately did work with that wonderful agent, Lisa Hagan, who saw something in my story. She got me the rest of the way there, helping to turn my debut book into something I’m incredibly proud of.

Looking Back

Would I do it differently next time? Absolutely—I would, and I am! However, I wouldn’t change how it all unfolded with my first book because I learned so much from the process. Most importantly, I learned to wrangle my ego and remove it from the equation. I now understand that not all of my words will be great words. Nor do they need to be.  I now relish cutting away the unnecessary to highlight the parts that matter. I’m also much more comfortable asking for and receiving feedback, suggestions, and criticism. 

The Dirty Truth about Social Drinking by Hadley Sorensen

My debut book, The Dirty Truth on Social Drinking: “Everything in Moderation” and Other BS, tells my story as a social drinker who didn’t appear outwardly to have any stereotypical problem with alcohol. I drank like those around me, and my drinking followed “normal” social conventions. No one in my life had any idea I was struggling.

I always felt like something was off in my relationship with alcohol, and I wrestled with those demons more and more as time went on. I was a blackout drinker, and I felt so much shame after each drinking episode. It was slowly chipping away at my mental health and eroding my confidence and any self-love I’d been able to muster.

I finally woke up one morning and decided I was experiencing my last hangover. I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, and I knew that I needed to walk away from drinking for good. I found great comfort in realizing that I didn’t need to hit any version of rock bottom to quit, and I didn’t have to identify as an “alcoholic” or subscribe to any other labels. Anyone can quit drinking at any time for any reason if they determine it’s no longer serving them, and I knew that was a message that others needed to hear.

Releasing this book into the world has been rewarding in more ways than I could have imagined. Not only was it a liberating and empowering part of my own healing journey, but helping others realize they aren’t alone and giving them hope has filled me with a special kind of joy and peace.

I can’t wait to start the process again with my next book, using all the valuable lessons learned.

Order your copy of The Dirty Truth on Social Drinking here.

Author Hadley Sorensen, represented by literary agent Lisa Hagan

Hadley Sorensen is a mom of three boys, a lifelong runner, and a writer. Her debut book, The Dirty Truth on Social Drinking: “Everything in Moderation” and Other BS, was released in May of 2024.

As an enthusiastic social drinker throughout her life, she always felt like her relationship with alcohol was problematic. It wasn't about how much or how often she drank. It was about how she felt when she did. 

Three and a half years ago, she woke up with her last hangover, her heart screaming that sobriety was the right choice. She had no idea that a whole new, beautiful life was about to unfold. Now, she uses her book and social media platform to tell her story with the hope that it will reach someone struggling as she was. Her goal is to help others realize that anyone can quit drinking, at any time, for any reason—no rock bottom required. 


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