Indie Insight with Aleatha Romig

Indie Insight, an interview with Aleatha Romig, bestselling indie author of the Sin Series

Indie Insight is a blog series about book marketing and social media for authors.

Author: Aleatha Romig


Bio: Aleatha Romig is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author who lives in Indiana. She grew up in Mishawaka, graduated from Indiana University, and is currently living south of Indianapolis. Together with her high-school sweetheart and husband of over thirty years, they've raised three children. Before she became a full-time author, she worked days as a dental hygienist and spent her nights writing. Now, when she’s not imagining mind-blowing twists and turns or her new lighter side, she likes to spend her time with her family and friends. Her pastimes include reading and creating heroes/anti-heroes who haunt your dreams! 

1) If you could travel back in time to chat with your novice-self about how to market a novel, what advice would you give?

Do what you're doing. Don't listen to people who want to pigeon hole your work, and above all, believe in yourself.

2) New writers are often told they need to "build their platform." What does this mean to you, and how do you envision your platform today?

I see a platform as a base of readers, those who will one-click without looking at the synopsis. This takes time and consistency to build. Know your brand and make each book better than the last. Readers need confidence that when they open your book, they'll find a fantastic story. This base is created organically as well as on social media.

3) Do you have any advice for new authors about how to convince potential readers to sign up for their newsletter?

Newsletters are an essential tool for reaching readers. They surpass the glitches of social media. To entice readers to sign up for newsletters, offer them something that is unobtainable anywhere else: extra material (ie. deleted scenes or chapters, bonus epilogue). Make the reader feel that they are special and have something unique because they signed up.

4) What's the latest insight you've learned when it comes to book promotion, and how will this impact your next marketing efforts?

I'm always learning. What worked in 2012 doesn't work today. The best insight to date is to make a presence on as many platforms as possible: Facebook ads, Bookbub ads, Amazon ads, Goodreads, TikTok, Instagram.

5) If you could change one thing about the publishing world, what would it be?

Go back to 2012 when all it took was word of mouth!!

6) How important do you think it is for indie and self-publishing authors to pay for editing services?

EXTREMELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This can't be over emphasized. NOTHING replaces a well edited novel. No one, not even editors are capable of editing their own work. As the author, you see what you think is there, not what is there. Paying for editing is the most important investment an author can make in his or her work.

7) As a writer, how has your process changed in terms of drafting and revision since you first started out?

My first book was released in 2011 and I knew nothing about writing or publishing. I've learned so much from my editor. I've worked with her since 2013. I've also streamlined my process, and increased my speed. In 2011 I released one book. In 2021, I will have ten titles released.

8) Please tell us a bit more about your latest novel or work-in-progress!

Red Sin by Aleatha Romig

I recently released the first book of a new series. I'm known for my series, trilogies, and duets. RED SIN is book one of my new Sin Series. It's an age-gap, romantic suspense series filled with mystery, intrigue, family drama, and spicy hot chemistry. I'm overwhelmed with the positive reviews.

Last November, I also released a stand-alone (unusual for my dark romance) mafia romance. KINGDOM COME is a standalone in the multi-author connected series Underworld Kings. I'm excited about this stand-alone concept. KINGDOM COME is formatted for paperback and is 498 pages, and the early reviews are fantastic!

About the Darling Axe

Our editors are industry professionals and award-winning writers. We offer narrative development, editing, and coaching for every stage of your manuscript's journey to publication.

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