Resource Review: the #WritingCommunity on Twitter

On the Twit

If you are an author trying to bring attention to your project, or to build an audience in the lead-up to your project, Twitter is one of the most powerful tools available. 

Some may say that Twitter has already had its heyday in the evolution of social media, but the #WritingCommunity shows no signs of slowing down. This is an incredibly active and supportive network. Follow other writers and they are very likely to follow you back. Find beta readers, critique partners, and book reviewers. Sell your novel.

Of course, it's not that simple. To "succeed" on Twitter, you have to get on there and engage. You have to work at it. Add comments. Post questions. Share resources. 

A "strong Twitter muscle" isn't going to make you famous, but it can show agents and publishers that you are capable of generating interest and engaging with an audience. It can also lead to some great connections. Writing is a lonely art, and networking can open many doors.

Interested in learning more? Here are some articles to get you started:

How Twitter Transformed My Writing Life by A.H. Reaume

Twitter for Writers 101 by Willie Handler

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