Valcore: The Ancient's Rise (Congrats to Zach C. Etka!)

A big congratulations to our client Zach C. Etka on his recent book release! His heart-pounding, bloodthirsty adventure, Valcore: The Ancient's Rise, is now available on Audible and has been re-released on Amazon.

GIVEAWAY – the Kindle version of Valcore will be free on Amazon from October 1-5. Check it out! Also, Zach is giving away 25 free Audible downloads (for anyone who already has a membership). Contact him on Instagram for the code.

Valcore: The Ancient's Rise

Valcore: the Ancient's Rise by Zach C Etka

In the back of my mind, I knew that if I could scream before I hit the ground, I could escape, though to where I had no idea. But I couldn’t, no matter how hard I tried. I was falling faster and faster as the air was sucked from my lungs. Forty feet… thirty… The beasts were closing in. Ten… five…






While on a camping trip, Hayden Valcore blacks out and wakes up in an old deer shed as he's turning into a vampire, with no recollection of his past. He doesn't even realize, at first, that his girlfriend Sophia has been kidnapped. After a high-profile coven takes Hayden in, he learns how to fly, how to hunt, and how to control his new dark side. With the power of an ancient vampire, he must untangle his past and save Sophia before it's too late.  

About the author 

Zach C Etka, author of Valcore: the Ancient's Rise

Zach C. Etka is a 28-year-old entrepreneur in love with ancient culture and extreme sports. Ever since he was a kid, his imagination has allowed to him to not only write stories but also to think outside the box. Zach has horrific and fantastical dreams that he turn into gripping scenes and worlds inside his books. He loves fiction and scary movies and has always wanted to travel to Switzerland.




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