The Amazing Adventures of Waldo (Congrats to Tashawn Blount!)

A big congratulations to our client Tashawn Blount on his recent book release! His touching young-adult comedic drama, The Amazing Adventures of Waldo, is now available on Amazon.

The Amazing Adventures of Waldo

The Amazing Adventures of Waldo by Tashawn Blount

In his mind, he’s a superhero. In the real world, he might just destroy his high school… Waldo would rather defend Earth from aliens than face the drudgery of his junior year. But when the comic-book nerd falls for the most popular girl in class, he vows to become her real-life champion. And the only shot he’s got is to level the playing field.

Teaming up with two fellow outcasts, Waldo starts digging up dirt on all his rivals. But as the truth about his classmates surfaces and his own fame grows, he fears his dangerous take-down is spinning out of control.Is Waldo destined to be the hero of his fantasies, or will he blunder his way into accidental villainy?

The Amazing Adventures of Waldo is a charming standalone YA novel. If you like clever heroes, fantasy meshing with reality, and plucky underdogs, then you’ll love Tashawn Blount’s heartwarming tale. 

About the author

Tashawn Blount

Tashawn Blount is a self-published author from Chicago, Illinois. He currently resides in Tempe, Arizona where he is studying to become a film major at SCC. Aside from balancing work, school, and life, Tashawn enjoys writing in the YA fiction genre. He started writing his sophomore year of high school where he drew inspiration from his own experiences to create his protagonist Waldo for his book The Amazing Adventures of Waldo. Now, he continues to write literature while hoping to one day have the opportunity to write his very own movie. 



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