Writing Retreat: It was a dark and stormy night...
It was a dark and stormy night...
Start planning your escape to the rugged west coast of Vancouver Island!
We’re thrilled to announce that the Darling Axe will be hosting our first-ever exclusive writing retreat in magnificent Tofino during its most captivating season: storm-watching in February 2024. Join us for five days of inspirational workshops, one-on-one sessions, and dedicated writing time. Whether you’re starting a new project or polishing your NaNoWriMo draft, this retreat promises to ignite your creativity and elevate your craft.
There will be opportunities for activities such as beachcombing, whale-watching, and (of course) storm-watching. We’ll share meals together and our two senior editors, Michelle Barker and David Brown, will be available to discuss any and all writing-related concerns.
Why a Retreat?

We all have packed schedules, and even when we set aside time to write, it’s easy for life to intrude. The phone rings, the washer breaks down—and there goes that hour or two you’d dedicated to working on your novel.
Setting aside time exclusively for your creative work is a way to honor your commitment to the craft. Doing it among like-minded folks in an inspiring environment gives your work that jumpstart it needs. If you’ve never done a retreat, you’ll discover that you come away from it full of new energy and ideas. Plus, you’ll have access to experienced teachers and editors who can help you navigate the rough spots in your manuscript as they arise.
Research has shown there are five key benefits to attending a writing retreat:
- Protected writing time and space
- A strong sense of community, which is essential to the largely solitary pursuit of writing
- Increased motivation to write
- Increased productivity—no distractions, no to-do lists, no excuses
- A new and valuable support network that can translate into critique partners and lifelong friendships
Why Tofino?
With its sweeping vistas, mighty waves, and salty squalls, Tofino is not only a natural wonder—it’s a writer’s dream come true.
Why Us?
We were trained in the MFA program at UBC and are award-winning authors. All the ups and downs of novel-writing? We’ve been through them. We’ve also coached scores of authors through the process of writing and revising a book-length manuscript. Many of them have gone on to be published and even win awards.
Our book on the craft, Immersion and Emotion: The Two Pillars of Storytelling, will form the basis of our teaching during the retreat. This is a collection of everything we wish we’d known about writing when we were starting out. Every attendee will get a copy with their registration.
Next Steps
Save the date: February 5 to 9, 2024.
There will only be ten spots available, so send us a note to reserve your place in line: editors@darlingaxe.com.
And stay tuned for upcoming information on early-bird pricing and accommodations.
Hope to see you there!
Dear Darling Axe,
Its a great idea that you are hosting a writing retreat in Tofino, and I would like to join you, but its too far for me to travel. If you ever plan on a retreat in Europe, please let me know.
Best regards, Eric Holdorf