This is an abridged version of our developmental editing service. From the heights of the crow's nest, we take a look at your first 10,000 words. Most readers need to be captivated within the first forty pages, so our goal is to help you polish your opening and sharpen your hook.
Timeline: Darling Axe editors often have multiple projects on the go. Please allow up to four weeks for us to finish your hook assessment. (Typical turnaround time is two weeks.)
Once you have paid, your editor will contact you within 1-2 days. Feel free to send your manuscript to editors@darlingaxe.com.
Please note the listed cost of this service is in US dollars. However, since the Darling Axe is a Canadian company, the invoice is in Canadian dollars. That being said, our payment gateway may convert the final amount to your local currency, based upon IP address (server location).