Huge congrats, Katie! Darling Axe editor wins Exile Quarterly's short fiction contest

Katie Zdybel, Darling Axe associate editor

Darling Axe editor Katie Zdybel has won Exile Quarterly's Carter V Cooper Short Fiction Competition, as selected by Joyce Carol Oates.

Her short story, "The Critics", has been awarded the $10,000 prize for emerging writers.

Amazing! Way to go, Katie!


Katie Zdybel, Associate Editor

Katie's first collection of short stories, titled Equipoise, was shortlisted for the 2018 HarperCollins/UBC Prize for Best New Fiction. She is the winner of a 2019 Canada Council for the Arts Award, the 2018 Peter Hinchcliffe Short Fiction Award, and was a nominee for the 2019 Journey Prize. Katie was the editorial assistant for Shambhala Sun and EAT Magazine, and has also edited several small publications and worked on PRISM International’s editorial board. As a manuscript editor, she enjoys working with character, theme, and imagery.

About the Darling Axe

Our editors are industry professionals and award-winning writers. We offer narrative development, editing, and coaching for every stage of your manuscript's journey to publication.

Work with a professional fiction editor from the Darling Axe: manuscript development and book editing services

Book a sample edit with a professional fiction editor from the Darling Axe: manuscript development and book editing services

Darling Axe Academy – Query Quest: a self-paced querying course

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