Dead by Sunrise (Congrats to Richard Ryker!)

A big congrats to our client Richard Ryker on his book release! Dead by Sunrise is a gripping mystery novel full of tension, twists, and some humor as well. 

"Looking back on the manuscripts I've edited in 2019, Dead by Sunrise tops my charts for suspense, easy immersion, and great characters. It was a delight to read." —David Brown, Darling Axe senior editor

Dead by Sunrise

Dead by Sunrise, a mystery novel by Richard Ryker

New Chief of Police Brandon Mattson is starting over. Recently divorced and needing a break from big-city crime, he's headed home to Forks, WA. But the former detective's respite from homicide is short-lived when a young woman's body washes ashore on the nearby Quileute Reservation. Fang marks and a series of ominous vampire-related graffiti point to a member of a local blood-sucking cult. But Brandon's not so sure wannabe vampires are to blame, and it soon becomes evident that more than one person had reason to murder the young woman.

Balancing the investigation, a tourist-obsessed mayor, and parenting his fifteen-year-old daughter, Brandon is running out of time to solve the case before the killer claims another victim.

In Dead by Sunrise, fans of Bosch, Longmire, and C.J. Box's Joe Pickett series will find a new favourite in homicide-detective-turned-chief-of-police Brandon Mattson.

About the author

Richard Ryker, author of Dead by SunriseRichard Ryker writes novels and short stories about everyday people facing extraordinary circumstances. When not writing, you'll find him spending time with his very artistic and musically talented family. He plays a handful of instruments fairly well and was once a music major in college before switching degrees. He’s written in a handful of genres and someday hopes to get around to finishing that epic fantasy he’s been drawing maps for since he was twelve. 

Buy Dead by Sunrise on Amazon.


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