The First Page Challenge is now live!
A writing contest for novelists
Our judge, Michelle Barker, will be asking herself one question:
how likely am I to turn this page and keep reading?
First place: $700 CAD
Second place: $200 CAD
Third place: $100 CAD
All three finalists win publication on the Chopping Blog
and receive complimentary access to one of our self-paced courses.
The Finer Points
• Entry is $5 CAD• One page: double-spaced, 12-point font
• Original, unpublished, unrepresented work only
• Once you've paid, send your docx/pdf to
• Submission deadline: September 30
Check out the 2019 winner here.
And the 2020 winner here.
A note on sincerity: some so-called editing websites host writing contests as a ruse to then up-sell contestants into paying to have their submissions edited. A shifty trick indeed! We attest that this is a legitimate annual writing contest, and if winning entries ever need some editing, we will gladly assist without charge.