Query Quest now free with any query critique service

Query Quest: A self-guided course for querying authors

Complimentary access to Query Quest, our self-guided course, is now included with any purchase of a query critique service.

Our query critique options include a workshop of your query letter and a close look at your synopsis and first 5,000 words. 

Query Letter Workshop

Your choice: we will either evaluate two query letters or you can submit the same letter for two rounds of feedback.

Cost: $70 USD ($90 CAD)

Synopsis Critique

One of our editors will perform a developmental edit on your 500-word synopsis. This top-down analysis is useful for identifying structural issues and other red flags that will snag with agents. 

Cost $70 USD ($90 CAD)

First 5000

Your query letter and synopsis are important parts of the submission package, but your writing sample is the true test. In fact, many agents read the sample first. This service includes a developmental edit of your first 5000 words.

Cost: $150 USD ($190 CAD)

Double Dip

A developmental edit of your first 5000 words and your choice: a query letter workshop as described above OR a synopsis critique. 

Cost: $200 USD ($250 CAD)

The Complete Critique

All three services: first, you get a query letter workshop with three rounds of feedback. Second, we take a close look at your 500-word synopsis. Third, we perform a development edit on your first 5000 words.

Cost: $260 USD ($330 CAD)


Reality check: the world of traditional publishing is highly competitive. Literary agents can receive as many as fifty unsolicited manuscript submissions per day. We do not guarantee that our query-critique service will result in an offer of representation or a publishing contract. Sometimes, therefore, the best advice we can give is to keep refining your story. In other cases, we might recommend self-publication as the most realistic route to exposure and book sales.



Query quest: a self-paced course for querying authors

About the Darling Axe

Our editors are industry professionals and award-winning writers. We offer narrative development, editing, and coaching for every stage of your manuscript's journey to publication.

Work with a professional fiction editor from the Darling Axe: manuscript development and book editing services

Book a sample edit with a professional fiction editor from the Darling Axe: manuscript development and book editing services

Darling Axe Academy – Query Quest: a self-paced querying course

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