Axe to Grind: flash fiction contest update
We've just hit 60 entries! That means the spillover to a second-place prize has completed and a third-place prize is now growing.

Tell us a story in fewer than 1000 words for a chance to win from a growing prize pool, plus publication on the Chopping Blog.
Each entry contributes to the prize, so once we hit 40 entries, the prize pool starts to spill over... and trickle down! Here's how this will work:
Up to 40 entries: $200 for 1st prize
At 60 entries: $200 for 1st prize, $100 for 2nd prize
At 70 entries: $200 for 1st, $100 for 2nd, $50 for 3rd
Above 70: 1st place continues to increase – no limit!
At 60 entries: $200 for 1st prize, $100 for 2nd prize
At 70 entries: $200 for 1st, $100 for 2nd, $50 for 3rd
Above 70: 1st place continues to increase – no limit!
Finalists in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place also win publication on the Chopping Blog.
Deadline to enter: March 31, 2020
A note on sincerity: some so-called editing websites host writing contests as a ruse to then up-sell contestants into paying to have their submissions edited. A shifty trick indeed! We attest that this is a legitimate annual writing contest, and if winning entries ever need some editing, we will gladly assist without charge.
Check out the 2019 winner here.